Archive for Pierre Hardy

Pierre Hardy for Gap

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on March 5, 2009 by caro1001

Can’t you wait for the cold to go away and step outside in your freshly pedicure(or not?!) feet and strappy sandals? Well dreams sometimes become realities… And this is without any doubt not only a fantasy!

And I have good news… for the 3rd consecutive years, Gap and French shoe designer Pierre Hardy have renewed their contract this year.. Although the choice is very small, only one model coming in 3 colours, those who couldn’t get a pair last year might be luckier this year as last year very-similar-to-this-year model sold like crazy.

Pierre Hardy started his successes designing the shoe collection at Christian Dior. In 1990, he moved to Hermes where he is creative director of the women and men shoe collections. Since 2001, Hardy designed the shoe collections at Balenciaga. He also has his own collection that was first launch in 1999. Here are a few models from the Pierre Hardy actual collection.

No need to spend $1,215 at Barneys for some white and brown Pierre Hardy platform sandals… just go to the Gap for less than a twelth of the price.

Can you see a difference?

Ok a slight one 😛